Irrigation Tune-up, Diagnostic & Service Call
Preliminary Inspection for your Lawn and Garden 
Service Includes:
Inspection of Sprinkler System
Check for Damaged Heads
Check Pump Station and Master Zone Valve
Check for Breaks in the Lines
Check for Buried Heads
Check all Valves
Check and Set Timer
This 7-Point Preliminary Inspection and Diagnostic of your Irrigation System “Just” $49.95
Performed by a Licensed Irrigation Contractor.
Maximum 5 Zones. Additional Zones, $10 Per Zone.
"FREE Preliminary Inspection, Diagnostic and Service Call with any repair over $250.00"
Quarterly Irrigation Maintenance Plans starting at $125.00 Per Year.
Click here to view contract
Troubleshooting a sprinkler system is a step by step process.
- Is your water bill too high?
- Does your lawn have brown spots?
- Is your system timer malfunctioning?
- Do you have low or no pressure?
- Does the system switch between zones as scheduled?
- Does your pump lose prime periodically?
- Is your timer set to the allowable schedule according to local water use restrictions?
- Need to re-route your system around a new pool or patio?
- Need to alter your system to provide better coverage?
- Is your lawn company always breaking your heads?
Regardless of the problem, rest assured we will find it and correct it!
We also off a 7-Point Irrigation Tune-up for just $49.95 and Quarterly Irrigation Service Maintenance Contracts starting at just $125/year.
Greenstar Irrigation’s professional, dedicated service technicians and quick response to service requests are all a part of our comprehensive approach to customer satisfaction.